Two Babies Blue
Earlier Musings 2015-2016
Wandering Alice
Alice Files
Watch Alice Grow
Wandering Alafair
Alafair Files
Watch Alafair Grow
Photo Archives
I love meeting new people.
So far, I'm pretty social. Luckily, I take after my dad that way.
With Gramps, 2 days old
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Granma, Bibi, Grandpa, and Gramps all together! 2 weeks old
Deanna. Mexican grandma @ Pancho Villa's in Puerto Morelos, Mexico. Alice 5 weeks old
Nancy Angel @ Dave and India's wedding, Mexico. 5 weeks old
Meeting Aunt Aura for the first time. 8 weeks old
Great Grandma Betty, 8 weeks old
With Great Uncle Chris Finley, 8 weeks old
Cousin Danny, South Carolina, August 2015
Uncle Toph, South Carolina, August 2015
Ashley White, the MOST comfortable pillow ever. July 2015
With Bibi, July 2015
Aunt Lena, Cousins Reyna and Kayo, August 2015
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Aunt Nowal, Mexico, 5 weeks old
Kathy Huss, Ann Arbor, MI Alice 8 weeks old
Meeting Uncle Michael for the first time, 8 weeks old
Great Grandma Betty, 8 weeks old
Great Uncle Chris Finley, 8 weeks old
Aunt Jenna, July 2015
Obesan, South Carolina, August 2015
Uncle Toph, South Carolina, August 2015
Obesan, South Carolina, August 2015
Auntie Kim, 12 weeks old
With Bibi, May 2015
Aunt Lena and Cousin Reyna, August 2015
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Bibi and Granma, 2 weeks old
Gramps and Bibi, 2 weeks old
Aunt Nowal, Mexico, 5 weeks old
Kathy Huss, Ann Arbor, MI Alice 8 weeks old
With Takashi @ his wedding. Ann Arbor, MI, 8 weeks old
Great Aunt Germaine, 8 weeks old
Great Grandma Betty, 8 weeks old
Uncle Ian, July 2015
Obesan, South Carolina, August 2015
Uncle Toph, South Carolina, August 2015
With Obesan and Sabrina, South Carolina, August 2015
Auntie Danielle, July 2015
Auntie Babs, June 2015
Auntie Gina, September 2015
Meeting Granma and Grandpa for the first time! 2 weeks old
Granma, Bibi, Grandpa, and Gramps all together! 2 weeks old
Aunt Jeni, June 2015
Uncle Toph, Mexico, 5 weeks old
Uncle Toph, Mexico, 5 weeks old
With Aunt Aura and Uncle Michael, Ann Arbor, MI, Alice 8 weeks old
Meeting Great Grandma Betty Finley for the first time. Detroit, MI, 8 weeks old
Cousin Stephanie, 8 weeks old
Great Grandma Betty, 8 weeks old
Cousin Matthew and Uncle Toph, Kiawah Island, SC, August 2015
Cousin Danny, South Carolina, August 2015
Cousin Danny, South Carolina, August 2015
Auntie Kelsey, 7 weeks old
The other Alice! July 2015