Dear Alice,
Let's talk about sleep, Baby Girl. You are the only baby I've ever had, so I can't say unequivocally that you are the worst sleeper EVER (in fact, you're probably not even close to the worst by miles), BUT you ARE the worst sleeper I've ever had. Do you know that the only thing standing between Daddy's wish to do Cry It Out and at least three totally miserable, screamy nights for you, is ME? That's right, this epic battle we find ourselves in is actually all one big massive effort to avoid CIO. And you only have 8 days left to figure out that you should give in and join Team Mommy.
Let's talk about sleep, Baby Girl. You are the only baby I've ever had, so I can't say unequivocally that you are the worst sleeper EVER (in fact, you're probably not even close to the worst by miles), BUT you ARE the worst sleeper I've ever had. Do you know that the only thing standing between Daddy's wish to do Cry It Out and at least three totally miserable, screamy nights for you, is ME? That's right, this epic battle we find ourselves in is actually all one big massive effort to avoid CIO. And you only have 8 days left to figure out that you should give in and join Team Mommy.
We could be having so much fun, you and I. We could be going places, and visiting people, and playing with ALL THE TOYS. But instead we are spending our ENTIRE EXISTENCE just trying to get you to sleep. In all your effort to not miss anything, you are missing everything!! I know, it's too soon for such abstract reasoning, but I'll keep trying to explain it to you anyway.
PLEASE, Sweetness and Light, don't make us do it!!
Love, Mommy